Why Copper Cutting is Best Left to the Professionals
At AP Precision, we offer copper cutting for a range of commercial and personal applications. We can take on nearly any copper cutting job, from small-detailed jewelry work, electronic components, handrails, roof cladding and more. Our expertise in fabrication and copper cutting allow us to safely, efficiently, and consistently achieve precise results, reducing waste and saving our clients time.
Copper Cutting Techniques
The appropriate copper cutting technique determined by the format and gauge of the material, along with the size of the job.
Copper Tube
Copper tubing is typically cut with a specially-sized tube-cutting tool or hacksaw. For plumbing projects, it’s crucial that the tube is then reamed to smooth out the inner lip and remove burs. Skipping this step can lead to pinhole leaks and loud pipes.
Copper Sheet
Copper sheet can be cut with sheers or a brake sheer. A higher gauge sheet (i.e. thinner) maybe be cut with shears or metal snips. Lower gauge sheets may require special shears or a break. This can be challenging work, and needs to be done with the appropriate tools and technique to prevent damage and flux to the sheeting. Without the right clamps, sheers, and deburing equipment, it can be difficult to get good results outside of a metal shop environment.
Copper Laser Cutting
Copper sheet can also be cut using a custom copper laser cutting setup. This cannot be done at home, and requires special equipment that is not used in traditional steel or wood laser cutting. Finally, the material should be cleaned before and after cutting, to prevent damage and cross-metal contamination. This is especially key for computer and medical device applications.
Copper Cutting Applications
We serve a range of industries that work with copper. Computer and medical device manufacturers work with copper electrical wire, plates, and sheets. Roofers and plumbers employ copper pipe and bar in their work, while industrial machinists utilize copper to make machined parts. Architects design roofing elements, doors, handrails, domes, spires, gutters, and other embellishments using copper sheet and other copper alloys. Jewelers use a range of copper formats to create pendants, bracelets, necklaces and more. Other interesting uses of copper include antimicrobial door handles and rails for hospitals and schools, light fixtures, countertops, and furniture accents. Here’s a list of the industries we work with:
Furniture Design
Landscape Design
Gauges & Measuring Device Manufacturing
Medical Device Engineering & Design
About Copper and Copper Alloys
Copper is one of the only metals that can be directly used as it is mined, or rather, that does not require being combined as an alloy to be useful. It’s malleable and highly conductive of heat and electricity. Its shiny orange color has made it an attractive option for jewelry, architecture, art work, and handicrafts for thousands of years. In fact, people have been working with copper since 8000 BC. Eventually, humans started combining copper with zinc to create bronze, a sturdier alloy than pure copper. Another popular copper alloy is cupronickel, which is made through combining copper and nickel. This alloy is often used in coin currencies and for architectural cladding. Cupronickel is resistant to corrosion, which makes it durable to the elements.